The furry friends.

Just because they take up a ridiculous big space in my heart: Meet the furry friends. Also known as Mathilda and Elmo.

First up, our first-born, as we like to call her: Mathilda.

I've never seen before such a clumsy, silly little cat. Out of nowhere she will fall down the chair she sleeps on or miss the edge of the sofa she tried to jump on. She barely meows but is for her 6 pounds ridiculously loud when she walks. A picky eater. Constantly snoring in her sleep. And totally cuddly with her big round eyes. I would dare to say that she is the most passive cat in the world. Seriously, no will-power. And no sense for hunting. Instead of chasing birds, she chases leaves. Sometimes I have the feeling she's a guinea pig inside of a cat. Simply lovable.
And like every big sister she sometimes hates her little brother. This is the moment where Elmo comes in.

Elmo, little dare-devil:

He came to us when he was barely 8 weeks old, very tiny and very very sick. But eventually with lots of love and an awesome vet he became this strong and beautiful gentleman. Usually it's his way or the highway. If he wants to be cuddled, it has to happen that very moment he wants to. No time for putting away your knitting needles. He will just claim your lap as his. No food can be left unattended for even a second, he will sneak up on the counters and your steak will be up up and way. Usually he is the one who takes up the most space in bed at time. And I can't leave a room for too long without him following me to wherever I am. And if I dare to close the door to the bathroom he will sit there and meow his little heart out until I let him in. Gosh, I love this little man.

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