Sonntag, 24. Februar 2013


Tomorrow I will not only cyber-clean my apartment for some nice belated birthday-party-raving university-style with some friends on Wednesday. No, I will sit down and get some quality time with my beloved sewing machine as well. Because....

I am done sewing on the Dresden Plates. I like the look so far. I think the colors go together nicely and although I worried about the huge amount of greys in the Millie's Closet Jelly Roll I think that now in this arrangement they help make the Dresdens pop. And I love all those cute little dresses and bags you can spot on the little square throughout the chain. And I love me my photobombing Mathilda. I didn't choose the other photo I took where Elmo was walking through as well.
In the end hand-sewing those Dresens on went rather quickly. The first two took me quite a while, I managed to sew 3 on yesterday, today I did the last one. By the time I finished the 3rd it only took me about 45 minutes to sew one on, which might still be kind of long for experienced hand-dresden-on-sewers (official term here) it was incredibly fast for me.
I can't wait to sew the rows together, especially since it won't take any time at all, considering that the blocks are quite huge. Yay. 

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